
dimanche 17 janvier 2016

What is binary code, the history behind it and popular uses


            All computer language is based in binary code. It is the back end of all computer functioning. Binary numbers means that there is a code of either 0 or 1 for a computer to toggle between. All computer functions will rapidly toggle between 00 or 01 at an incomprehensible speed. This is how computers have come to assist humans in tasks that would take so much longer to complete. The human brain functions holistically at much more rapid speeds than a computer in doing other types of very complicated tasks, such as reasoning and analytical thought processes.The code in a computer language, with regard to text that a central processing unit or CPU of a computer will read, is based in ASCII strings that are standardized with strings of zeros and ones that represent each letter of the alphabet or numbers. ASCII stands for American Standard Code Information Interchange, which is a standard of 7 bit binary codes that will translate into computer logic to represent text, letters and symbols that humans will recognize. There are from 0 to 127 numbers or letters represented in the ASCII system.

              Each binary string has eight binary bits that will look like a bunch of zeros and ones in a certain pattern unique for each letter of a word. With this type of code, 256 different possible values can be represented for the large group of symbols, letters and operating instructions that can be given to the mainframe. From these codes are derived character strings and then bit strings. Bit strings can represent decimal numbers.

           The binary numbers can be found in the great Vedic literatures, the shastras, written in the first language of mankind, Sanskrit, more specifically located in the ChandahSutra and originally committed to text by Pingala around the 4th Century. This is an estimation, as Sanskrit was a language that was only sung many years before mankind had a need to write on paper. Before the need to write on paper, mankind had highly developed memory and so the need to write was not even part of life at that time.

        Counterintuitively or surprisingly, in more modern historical documents it is noted that mankind has progressed beyond Sanskrit. There were no written texts as important information was recited verbally. There were no textbooks prior to the creation of binary code, as they were not required. According to the Shastras, mankind became less fortunate and the memory began to decline, requiring texts and books to be created for keeping track of important information. Once this was a necessity, the binary code was first traced to these great texts and then long after that, around the 17th century, the great philosopher and father of Calculus, Gottfried Leibniz derived a system of logic for verbal statements that would be completely represented in a mathematical code. He was theorizing that life could be reduced to simple codes of rows of combinations of zeros and ones. Not actually knowing what this system would be used for, eventually, with the help of George Boole, Boolean logic was developed, using the on/off system of zeros and ones for basic algebraic operations. The on or off codes can rapidly be implemented by computers for doing seemingly unlimited numbers of applications. All computer language is based in the binary system of logic.

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